Vice-President of the EC Maros Sefcovic sends video message to the participants of the forum of the Energy Charter

The participants of the forum “The Way to Multilateral Framework Agreement on Transit of Energy Sources” were greeted by Vice-President of European Commission Maros Sefcovic over the video call.

The Vice-President of the EC expressed firm confidence that shortly Caspian and Central Asian Region and the European Union would develop beneficial cooperation in different spheres including the energy. Special mention was made that the negotiations and continuous efforts in provision of Turkmen gas supplies to European markets indicates strong partnership and cooperation.

According to Maros Sefcovic, gas plays considerable role in long-term transit to low-carbon economy. The tendencies at international gas markets and in transport infrastructure as well as transboundary trade of electrical energy and establishment of regional markets of electrical energy remains topical for the development of energy systems.

The Vice-President of the European Commiission congratulated Turkmenistan on the completion of construction of the pipeline East – West and the works on TAPI gas main. The experience, gained by the sides in similar large projects, can be used in diversification of supplies and routes to the European Union, in particular to the South Gas Corridor and its possible expansion to the Central Asia via Trans Caspian pipeline.

Bringing of the Caspian gas to European market becomes the reality what is proven by recent meeting of the Consulting Board that was held in Baku in February of this year, – Maros Sefcovic has said.

Having noted that it has been two years since his visit to Ashgabat and the meeting with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Vice-President of the European Commission highlighted that Ashgabat Declaration on Cooperation in Energy, signed during four lateral ministry level meeting between the EU, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Turkmenistan, was the base for establishment of relative working group and this successful cooperation would be continued.

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